“The City of Houston’s Iftar has become a tradition that we share with our Muslim community, one that showcases the diversity of our city during the holy month of Ramadan. People from all backgrounds and faith traditions are welcome to join the Muslim community in this occasion of reflection, personal sacrifice, and unity.” – Mayor Sylvester Turner Every year, Houston is home to one of the largest Iftar celebrations in the country during which the City’s diverse communities come together to show unity and solidarity and connect over a shared meal. This event has persisted despite the #COVID19 pandemic, featuring a socially distanced drive-through dinner pickup in the afternoon followed by a virtually connected community dinner after sunset. Followed by the success of last year’s event, this afternoon, the Houston Iftar provided dinners to almost 3,000 Houstonians! Thank you to the participating Abu Dhabi, Baku, Basrah, Istanbul Karachi Sister City Associations, the Houston Consular Corps, ISGH, Ismaili Council for Southwestern US and all of the diverse collaborating organizations and volunteers for their hard work and dedication and underwriter S. Javaid Anwar including all the Sponsors. Community also Joined once again to continue the Ramadan celebration at the stream live Houston “Virtual” Iftar program to honor this blessed time to all.