HKSCA Networking Dinner Reception Featuring FPCCI Delegation

Houston Karachi Sister City Association (HKSCA) organized A Networking Dinner Reception Featuring Mirza Dr.Ikhtiar Baig, Senior Vice President-FPCCI, Mark Russell, Senior Commercial officer at the Consulate General of the United States, Karachi and members of Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FPCCI) Business Delegation with Chief Guest Consul General of Pakistan Hon. Aisha Farooqui at Bijan Persian Grill. The Event was Generously Sponsored by S. Javaid Anwar, CEO Midland Energy, Inc. President (HKSCA) Muhammad Saeed Sheikh along with Board members honored the Delegation with Congressional Recognition awarded by Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and General Secretary (HKSCA) Omar Khawaja moderated the event. A large number of Board members of Sister Cities of Houston, International Chambers, Local Community leaders and Media attended the beautifully organized HKSCA events.